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Welcome to ICWOC | 2025年第13届智能计算与无线光通信国际会议

Proceedings' Information

CFP1969F-ART 978-1-7281-2184-0
CD-ROM CFP1969F-CDR 978-1-7281-2183-3
ISSN 2472-8489 

Lab Visiting

Chongqing University

Technical Session Photos


ICWOC 2019 · June 12-15, 2019 · Chongqing, China

ICWOC 2019 was held during June 12-15, 2019 in Chongqing, China.  It's the workshop of ICCSN 2019 (2019  11th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks) 



6月13日上午,重庆大学微电子与通信工程学院副院长刘敏代表主办方重庆大学致欢迎辞,法国巴黎第十三大学Jalel Ben-Othman教授代表会议组委会成员致开幕词。

大会特邀Jalel Ben-Othman教授, 日本东京大学Masahiro Fujita教授,中国南方科技大学(IET Fellow)杨双华教授, 美国加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校Nan Wang 教授,中国重庆大学陈晨博士分别在6月13日和14日上午做了大会特邀报告。会议设置了12个口头报告分会场,就无线资源分配、网络安全、卫星通信、信号检测和处理,网络编码、计算机应用、图像处理、物联网、光学通信进行深入讨论。另设3个海报展示分会场讨论信号检测与处理、无线网络、通讯系统。




After technical sessions, the excllent Presentation goes to:


An Intelligent Congestion Control Method in Software Defined Networks
Presenter: Mengfei Tong, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

Implementing Randomized Salt on Round Key for Corrected Block Tiny Encryption Algorithm (XXTEA)
Presenter: Elbert M. Galas, Technological Institute of the Philippines – Quezon City, Philippines

S-Band LNA for future Satellite Navigation Systems
Presenter: Muhmmad Arsalan, Beihang University, China

Investigating the Effects of Channel Estimation Errors in mmWave MIMO Precoding Systems
Presenter: Arsalan Zeb, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

High-Throughput Dynamic Scheduling for Belief-Propagation Decoding of LDPC Codes
Presenter: Suipeng Xie, Sun Yat-sen University, China

Classification of Road Traffic Accident Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Presenter: Ammar Almasri, Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan

Cross Ambiguity Function Interpolation Algorithm for FDOA Estimation of Signal Location
Presenter: Peng Sun, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Nanjing, China

Image restoration of agricultural history based on neural patch synthesis
Presenter: Yuwei Chen, Sichuan Agricultural University, China

QoE Oriented Cognitive Network Based on Machine Learning and SDN
Presenter: Lei Wang, University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland

Data-driven Vehicular Communications in Urban Vehicular Network
Presenter: Zhang Wen, University of Science and Technology of China, China

An Enhanced Mutual Authentication Scheme Based on ECDH for IoT Devices Using ESP8266
Presenter: Anothay PHIMPHINITH, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China